The API-Problem listener

In the chapter on error reporting, I noted that PhlyRestfully has standardized on the API-Problem format for reporting errors.

Currently, an API-Problem response will be created automatically for any of the following conditions:

  • raising a PhlyRestfully\Exception\CreationException inside a create listener.
  • raising a PhlyRestfully\Exception\PatchException inside a patch listener.
  • raising a PhlyRestfully\Exception\UpdateException inside an update listener.
  • raising an exception in any other PhlyRestfully\Resource event listener.

If the exception you raise implements PhlyRestfully\Exception\ProblemExceptionInterface – which PhlyRestfully\Exception\DomainException does, as does its descendents, the CreationException, PatchException, and UpdateException – you can set additional details in the exception instance before throwing it, allowing you to hit to PhlyRestfully\ApiProblem how to render itself.

There’s another way to create and return an API-Problem payload, however: create and return an instance of PhlyRestfully\ApiProblem from any of the Resource event listeners. This gives you fine-grained control over creation of the problem object, and avoids the overhead of exceptions.

However, there’s another way to receive an API-Problem result: raising an exception. For this the listener becomes important.

The Listener

PhlyRestfully\Module registers a listener with the identifier PhlyRestfully\ResourceController on its dispatch event. This event then registers the PhlyRestfully\ApiProblemListener on the application render event. Essentially, this ensures that the listener is only registered if a controller intended as a RESTful resource endpoint is triggered.

The listener checks to see if the MvcEvent instance is marked as containing an error. If so, it checks to see if the Accept header is looking for a JSON response, and, finally, if so, it marshals an ApiProblem instance from the exception, setting it as the result.

This latter bit, the Accept header matching, is configurable. If you want to allow an API-Problem response for other than the default set of mediatypes (application/hal+json, application/api-problem+json, and application/json), you can do so via your configuration. Set the value in the accept_filter subkey of the phlyrestfully configuration; the value should be a comma-separated set of mimetypes.

return array(
    'phlyrestfully' => array(
        // ...
        'accept_filter' => 'application/json,text/json',

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